Thursday, March 13, 2014

Paris in a Barn

So it was not perfect, but it was Paris for one afternoon in the barn. 

Who would have thunk it...i get a girlie girl instead of a tomboy like me. This crazy idea started like this...
Mom, can I do a Paris Party instead of an Avengers party? 
mom sighs  I guess,  if it's easy I say...but I had some really cool ideas for an Avengers party):    
Mom, I like girl stuff.  

Heard about Pinterest and signed up.  Stole so many ideas(: 

1st  Make an invitation     i thought a ticket to Paris would be nice

2nd  Find the perfect cake

3rd  Buy lots of french junk and pictures

4th   Create menu, games, crafts etc... and keep in party planning folder

5th  Create Paris

Turn Barn into Paris (used mucho plastic table cloths from Dollar General).  We had a nail station, a pedicure station, clothes "shopping", accessory store, photo booth, runway models, etc......

Work in progress......

The Birthday girl and cousin

                  The Cake Lady - Sylvia Reeves

Cafe awning and table done by MIL

Cannot have Paris without a bicycle and flower basket

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