Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pirate Party for a girl.....

All 5 year old girls want a Pirate Party right!!!!   Nope......not at first. Well it took some super sweet talking from Mom, but I got the ok to plan the party of MY dreams.  I know, I know.  Sounds horrible, but i always got screwed on parties when I was kid, being as my birthday is Jan 2nd.  I think I did alright and made a her a great party though!

1st  Invitation in a bottle.   They were the ones you get on oriental trading co.  Had to pay extra postage, but they were fun!

2nd Look up pirate stuff and fill up the party planning folder.  This was pre-Pinterest days. 
3rd Find Cake
4th make lists (lots of them)
5th create the FUN!
6th Build the scenery (i am a little into details!!)

When the kids showed up they got to play for a little while before the nazi mom started making them do scheduled stuff and they received a snack of oranges (for scurvy you see) and goldfish.  I put these into little treasure boxes that came with party favors from oriental tc that were too flimsy to hold party favors.

So the the party was centered around earning your pirate gear (name, scarf, hat, sash, eye patch, tattoo & black teeth, sword and last but not least, some treasure).  

First they "chose" their pirate names from three different bags. Each bag had a bunch of silly old pirate names that I found online. When mixed up the names came out something like this: 
Sharktooth Petey Rackham

Next they had to dance for their pirate scarfs.  I found a game called Captain Says. This turned out to be more fun that I thought it would be. The kids were hilarious. 
1.     Setup: Creating a list of seafaring commands might help the first captain, but it isn't necessary. Some examples: 
2.     First choose a captain. Each round begins with the players standing at attention, giving crisp salutes. When the captain calls out "At ease," the players can drop their hands to their sides. 
3.     The captain begins to call out sailing-themed commands, and the players pretend to do them -- but only if the captain has first called out "Attention!" and they have saluted. If a player follows a command when he was supposed to be at ease, it's man overboard for him. The last crew member left standing wins and becomes the new captain.   (I left out the part of being thrown overboard and we just all had a good time)  

Here are some commands.  I just made up silly stuff to do with each command)
Pull up the lifeboats
Take down the sails
Walk the plank
Mop the decks
Scan the horizon
Cast a fishing rod
Dance a jig

 This would be dancing a jig......  at least I was.

Next we had to find the treasure map to start our quest(very proud of this..this stays in my cedar chest so I can pull this out later to show what a cool mom I was) . I hid it in the tree above a wanted poster for Captain Morgan... heehee

 And so we began 

 First we came to to: 
Boiling River Pass
Git yer crew across without falling in…
If one of you falls in start over again!
Earn your Pirate Hat

The kids had to each take a turn building a bridge to get to the next island and get their Pirate Hat!

 Next the kids had to work together to earn their pirate sash on Treasure Island:
Treasure Island
Find all the booty...
earn yer Pirate Sash
This was the list:
1  Spider Ball
2 Hackey Sacks
3  Beautiful Rings
4  Mermaids
5  Frogs
6  Marbles
7  Letters
8  Jewels
9  Seashells
10  Bejeweled Necklaces

On the way to the next treasure stop we were attacked by Captain Hook and Uncle Lee with silly string.  My advice would be to warn the kiddos a little.  They got a little scared, to say the least, at first and scattered like rabbits. Only one casualty that required ice and band aids though.

Next stop: 
 Forest of Skeletons
Shiver me Timbers, put Sir Pilobones back together…earn yer Eye Patch

 I looted my Halloween boxes for a skeleton, took a picture of him together, tore him a part, put him in a treasure box and had the kids work with each other to put him back together. Eye patches earned. Now we are looking like Pirates!

 Ok, next we played swab the deck with a mop and a soccer ball to earn a tattoo and black teeth if you wanted them
Swab the Deck
Heave Ho Me Hearties…
put yer back to it and get this sloop shipshape
earn yer tattoo and black tooth

And then we moved on to an obstacle which in hind sight was probably a little to rough for a bunch of 5 year olds but was appropriate for the theme.   The name alone should still spark fear into all these kids
Cannon Ball Run
Can ye out run Captain Hook
and band of scallywags
if soooooooo…
earn yer Pirate Sword
ok, so we rolled up newspaper and covered them in black tape to make the cannon balls.  I think I chose the wrong bandits to throw balls at the kids.  Thanks really was not a contest to see who could leave bruises on the kids.....
Not a lot of pictures of this as the kids were crying and running away....but I gave them swords anyway and told them to attack the pirates throwing cannon balls at them. Fun times.
Last but not least was the Treasure.  
Then it was party time from there.  I did not get a lot of pictures of the food and snacks for some reason,  maybe my MIL has some and I will post later.
Here at least was my attempt at a watermelon ship and her awesome cake (Cakes by Kami)

After we ate pizza and cake we had a trip on the high seas:

Happy kids err I mean Pirates (what is a pirate party without Captain Jack!)

Paris in a Barn

So it was not perfect, but it was Paris for one afternoon in the barn. 

Who would have thunk it...i get a girlie girl instead of a tomboy like me. This crazy idea started like this...
Mom, can I do a Paris Party instead of an Avengers party? 
mom sighs  I guess,  if it's easy I say...but I had some really cool ideas for an Avengers party):    
Mom, I like girl stuff.  

Heard about Pinterest and signed up.  Stole so many ideas(: 

1st  Make an invitation     i thought a ticket to Paris would be nice

2nd  Find the perfect cake

3rd  Buy lots of french junk and pictures

4th   Create menu, games, crafts etc... and keep in party planning folder

5th  Create Paris

Turn Barn into Paris (used mucho plastic table cloths from Dollar General).  We had a nail station, a pedicure station, clothes "shopping", accessory store, photo booth, runway models, etc......

Work in progress......

The Birthday girl and cousin

                  The Cake Lady - Sylvia Reeves

Cafe awning and table done by MIL

Cannot have Paris without a bicycle and flower basket